The Beginning
It was the middle of September 2003, I was at work just like any other day. Little did I know this day would change my life forever. I called my wife (then girlfriend ) like I did every day at lunch. On this day she sounded different and after some prying she said "I was going to wait until you were home, but I'm pregnant. " I can't really explain the feeling I had at that moment but I was so happy I almost couldn't contain myself.
Now later that night we sat there and began to worry about everything. Were we ready, how can we afford a baby are we going to be good parents. I would assume all the questions new parents ask when they find out they are pregnant. After a good long conversation we figured if we relied on each other and helped each other we would figure it out. Now I read a few books on being new parents, and now that my daughter is 17 and my son is 12, those books are a waste of time. Everyone's situation is different, everyone's life is different. We will get into all that later. So we started preparing for the birth of our baby.
Come back next week for the continuance of my family's story. As this is my first blog I hope you will come back for more.
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